Monday 22 May 2023

CES 3 - Warm, sunny - more Reed Warblers

 Sunday 21st May 2023

Dave, James, Stu, Joe

Birds caught:

Whitethroat 1/0;  Goldfinch 1/0;  Blue Tit 2/0;  Sedge Warbler 1/7;  Blackbird 0/1;  Dunnock 2/1;  Reed Warbler 7/1;  Robin 0/3:  Cettis Warbler 1/2;  Chiffchaff 1/3;  Song Thrush 1/1;  Kingfisher 0/1;  Reed Bunting 1/3

Total birds:  41

Also seen / heard: Cuckoo, 2 Little Egret ; Mute Swan with 5 cygnets;  Linnet

Previous years 

2023: 31 2022: 55 2021: 41 2019: 40 ; 2018: 52; 2017: 36; 2016: 53; 2015: 28;  2014:33

CES 2 - better weather, more warblers arriving

 Sunday 14th May 2023

Stu, Linda, Joe, Dave, James

Cool start, then sunny, mist til around 9am

Birds caught: Lesser Whitethroat 1/0;  Goldfinch 1/0;  Blackcap 1/1;  Wren 1/0;  Blue Tit 1/2;  Sedge Warbler 9/3;  Blackbird 3/1;  Dunnock 1/2;  Reed Warbler 3/0;  Robin 2/0;  Great Tit 1/1;  Cettis Warbler 0/1;  Chiffchaff 2/2;  Garden Warbler 3/2;  Song Thrush 1/0

Total birds caught: 45

Previous years  2022 : 42 2021: 48 2020: 54  2019: 40 2018: 52; 2017: 36; 2016: 53; 2015: 28;  2014:33

Monday 1 May 2023

CES 1 - very wet, cold, dark spring - but best first outing in 10 years - warblers returning and Cetti's headlining

 Monday 1st May 2023

Stu, Linda, Joe, Dave, Claire

Very wet along rides, scrape up.

Mink activity noted / sighted.

4 or 5 male Cetti's singing.

Birds ringed:

Blackcap 2/0;  Lesser Whitethroat 2/0;  Cetti's Warbler 2/2;  Chiffchaff 7/1;  Sedge Warbler 7/2;  Blackbird 2/1;  Reed Warbler 3/1;  Wren 0/1;  Song Thrush 3/0;  Kingfisher 2/0;  bullfinch 0/2;  Dunnock 3/1;  Garden Warbler 3/0

Total ringed : 49

Previous years CES 1:  Previous:  2014: 33;  2015: 35;  2016: 31;  2017: 32;  2018: 37  2019: 39  2020:  N/A (Covid) 2021: 43   2022: 41

Also seen:  Gadwall 2, Coot 2, Swallow 1,  Grey Heron 1,  Tawny Owl 1,  Mute Swan 2,  Canada Goose 4,  Greylag Goose 2,  Oystercatcher 2,  Skylark 1